Blue Peafowl (Pavo cristatus)

Oksana Babchenko
Last Observed: January 2016 – Koh Chang
Last Observed By: Oksana Babchenko, James perkins, Moni Von Bauer
The Blue or Indian Peafowl is easily distinguished from its close relative the green peafowl because the male is blue and not green. Given some of the identification challenges you come across this is an absolute walk in the park.
We all call them peacocks but that term strictly only applies to the male, the female being a peahen and the species as whole being called peafowl.
Anyway they are surely one of the world’s best known, beautiful and most distinctive birds and you probably know all about them already. But for those who don’t it is the male of the species that has the huge fan of bright feathers which it uses for display to attract a mate.The female is acomparatively drab brown and white colour.
Koh Chang has quite a few peafowl and it isn’t clear, to me at least, whether they are native to the island or have been brought in to decorate resorts such as Chang Park in Kai Bae. Whatever the fact they are native to this part of the world and are quite comfortable with Koh Chang as a habitat.