Yellow Boxfish (Ostracion cubicus)

Image Copyright BB Divers
Observed: Koh Chang Reefs, December 2015
Observed By: BB Divers
The yellow boxfish is a species of boxfish that is coloured yellow. With us so far? When young they are apparently a bright and vivid yellow colour but this colour fades with age and older fish will have a blue-grey and faded yellow colour. Poor old things.
They are solitary animals but breed in spring in groups of one male and between two and four females, a thought that probably keeps them going through those dark winter months.
They are such agile swimmers that in 2006 Mercedes Benz produced a concept car based on their shape. They must have been somewhat displeased when it was later discovered that their swimming agility is more to do with the combination of fin movements with their un-aerodynamic body shape. back to the drawing board then.