Banded Krait (Bangarus fasciatus)

Image Copyright Paul Dunr 2015
Last Observed: November 2015
Observed By: Paul Dunn
The banded krait is a long (typically 1.8 metres) species of elapid snake found in India and Southeast Asia.
Banded kraits are a shy and timid species of snake that are mainly nocturnal. They are typically lethargic and non-aggressive even when confronted. You should still treat them with great respect though due to their highly toxic venom which contains many different neurotoxins.
There are very few recorded cases of banded krait bites on humans but they can be fatal (estimates range from 1% – 10% untreated mortality rates).
Banded kraits, like the king cobra, feed mainly on other snakes, particularly rat snakes and keelbacks, but they also feed on fish, frogs and skinks.