Devil Scorpionfish

Devil Scorpionfish (Inimicus filamentosus)

Devil Scorpionfish (Scorpaenopsis Diabolus) - bbd-2015-24

Image Copyright BB Divers

Observed: Koh Chang Reefs 2015
Observed By: BB Divers

It’s all in the name. If something is named after both Lucifer and a poisonous insect then it should be pretty clear that it is not a beast to mess with. And it isn’t. The Devil scorpionfish is a highly camouflaged reef predator that protects itself with venomous dorsal spines that have a highly toxic poison.

They feed on smaller fish by using their camouflage and a lightning fast attack to trap prey. They are nocturnal hunters and often bury themselves in sand during the day.

Devil Scorpionfish Wikipedia

