Common Mock Viper (Psammodynastes pulverulentus)
Last Observed: December 2015
Observed By: Napha Kotkangplu
The Common Mock Viper is a small species of snake that grows up to 65 cm in length. It is native to Asia.
Perhaps the most startling fact about this species is that the male posesses three penises. Really. You’d think that this would be a problem for a snake but the specially evolved hemipenis can be retracted when not in use. Only one of the three hemipenes is used at a time and they commonly have barbs or hooks. It is truly a strange and amazing world.
As its name suggests the mock viper resembles a viper but does not come from the same family. It is rear fanged and possesses a very mild venom that isn’t harmful to humans.
Common Mock Viper Wikipedia
Mock Viper